The Essential IT Tips to Know Before Moving Your Company to a New Location
A move can be a stressful time for any company, but it’s even more so when you’re dealing with computers and technology. In this guide we will give you some essential IT tips to keep in mind before moving your company to a new location in the Houston metropolitan area, so that you don’t end up with any problems and to get back to operating as soon as possible!
Pre-Move Planning
Before the moving day, planning is essential for a stress-free move. This is especially important if you’re moving into a new building or space. Some things to consider are:
- Site planning (budgets, timelines)
- Ensuring you are sure of your company’s technology and does not need upgrading or replacement before the move. Telephone systems are often upgraded as well are some older computer systems.
- Mover and IT vendor identification to ensure of a smooth move and technology migration.
- Determination of site placement of staff and technology at new location.
- Prior to the move day, communicate the shutdown time to all vendors and employees for the move day.

Internet Service Provider (ISP) Migration Coordination
Most assume that when they move that the ISP companies can get your service moved or installed within a week or so. Not true! This is why this is one of the most time-critical steps to be performed early in your planning process.
Always evaluate your communications bandwidth needs first to see if you need faster internet. When moving, it is a good time to see if your current ISP company is the best for the dollar. Seeking new ISP bids on the internet service at the new location may save a company big.
One of the crucial steps is to ensure what date your ISP can provide internet service since a minimum of 45 -60 days is often needed prior to a move for an ISP to start the installation of service a new site.
New Site Network Infrastructure (Telecom/Data Cabling)
When moving your company to a new location, it’s essential that you ensure that all necessary network infrastructure is in place before the move. This includes both voice (telephone) and data cabling. The installation of this should be done by experienced IT professionals who can install and verify the cable and connections.
Also important is proper power and air conditioning for the technology being used since some equipment requires higher amperage than standard building wiring. The server and network equipment rooms do need proper venting and ac to be built into your new location to ensure that they do not overheat.
ISP Installation and Verification of Functionality and Bandwidth
Prior to your move date the ISP will often go to the new location to install their main cable that will provide the internet service. But many install their service on the day of your move. You will need to coordinate when they will be able to install your new location as well as turn off your service at your old site and install the ISP service at the new site.
Whenever they do migrate your internet service to the new location, an IT professional or your IT services company should be there to verify the ISP is functioning and is providing the right bandwidth you have purchased.
On your move date, the ISP will indicate an approximate time of arrival and proceed to shut down your old site’s internet service and move it to your new site.* The IT professional or your Houston IT support company will need to ensure all functionality is there prior to them leaving.

Data and Systems Preparation and Data Backups
The next step is to prepare your data and systems for the move. You will need to make sure all devices are backed up and ready to go. Your IT professional will assist you with this process as well as verify that their migration tools operate properly on each system.
Prior to the Move Date Tips:
- Prior to moving your computer servers, ensure all system updates are applied to avoid IT issue surprises.
- Make sure you have a plan and instructions for how to restore your data after the move.
- Backup your data before your move date and verify that the backups are valid. If you end up having to restore data from a backup and find it is not a valid backup, that will be a very stressful day!
- The day before you move, make sure that all of your important data is backed up and ready to be transferred. You can use an external hard drive or cloud storage service to store your files while the company is being moved.
- If possible, try moving in on a weekend or public holiday when there are fewer people around and less traffic on the roads.
On the Move Date:
- Make sure whoever is in charge of backups, moves their own backup media or ensures it is safe in case it is needed for restoration.
Cyber Security Tips
If you have sensitive data such as financial records or customer information stored on computers, laptops or mobile devices make sure these are password protected and encrypted when being transported from one location to another.
Many employees sometimes stick their company passwords on a a piece of paper and stick it to their equipment. Sounds implausible but it happens often. If a non-authorized person can see passwords, then the company’s data is at risk. Walk around before the move and check for password hint notes or stickers.
One of the main security vulnerabilities in a company will actually be the employees because social engineering, or the use of outsiders tricking employees into giving access of information to be used to gain access to company data (such as passwords).
There are a number of employee user security awareness training programs that are very fordable and will teach users how not fall prey to this type of scamming attempts by outsiders who want access into confidential data within your business environment.”
Move Day Checklist
Have a checklist ready for the move that includes details of all the items that need to be moved, including any furniture and equipment. This will help you keep track of everything.
Shutdown Time:
- Turn off all technology and sign off and unplug all computers so your staff or IT team or IT support company can pack your devices together for each user.
- Once the company ceases operation on the move day, your IT service or IT team will uninstall the firewall, and telecom equipment and go and install it at the new site immediately. They will meet the ISP vendor at the new site to install the company network equipment to the ISP equipment to verify functionality.
The movers sometimes take 1-2 days to move a company. When the staff computer systems and technology arrive at the new site, your IT service or your IT team will unpack each staff member’s equipment and assemble/test for functionality. Some technology such as copiers are typically moved by your copier service company.
In conclusion, the key takeaway is that it’s important to start planning for your move well in advance and make sure that you have all the resources necessary before moving day arrives.
Let us know if you have any questions or need assistance with your move or preparation. For over 28 years we have provided our clients with stress-free moves with our solid managed IT support and remote IT support services! We back up our work with our 100% satisfaction guarantee! Call us today at 281-358-3589