7 Tips to Improve Data Backup and Ensure Business Continuity

Improving backup and continuity is frequently listed as a top five priority for IT organizations, but for many organizations, backup and recovery processes need to improve a lot, not just incrementally. Today, enterprises often run backup tools, and rely on business continuity processes, designed for older platforms developed before elastic clouds, near-ubiquitous virtualized workloads, or…

IT buyer’s guide to business laptops

Business-friendly notebooks come in all shapes, sizes and prices. Here’s help picking the laptops best suited to your organization’s various employees. With hundreds of business-oriented laptops to choose from — everything from sleek ultralight tablets to huge portable workstations — picking the right ones to outfit your company’s workforce can make finding a needle in…

Don’t be the fool in the cloud

 Is it really that hard to keep from making a security idiot of yourself? When I hear people worrying about cloud security, they’re usually shaking in their boots about some obscure bug beyond their control. Ha! Ordinary, stupid human mistakes are more than bad enough. For example, Accenture left hundreds of gigabytes of private user…

The Best Password Managers of 2017

Everyone Needs a Password Manager This year, World Password Day falls on Star Wars Day. May the fourth be with you! Celebrate by changing all your simple passwords to strong ones, with different ones for every secure site. If that doesn’t sound like fun, consider getting some help. First, install a password manager. Second, get…

How to avoid ransomware attacks: 10 tips

As ransomware increasingly targets healthcare organizations, schools and government agencies, security experts offer advice to help IT leaders prepare and protect. Biometrics and Fingerprint Scan Security Technology Concept Nigerian princes are no longer the only menaces lurking in an employee’s inbox. For healthcare organizations, schools, government agencies and many businesses, ransomware attacks—an especially sinister type…